Auto Sync Buckets Cheatsheet
Create a file and create a folder auto-sync-logs to store the logs. should contain the following: #!/bin/bash aws s3 sync s3://my-bucket-destina...
Create a file and create a folder auto-sync-logs to store the logs. should contain the following: #!/bin/bash aws s3 sync s3://my-bucket-destina...
Cross Account Sync Using EC2 This is a guide on setting up cross account S3 buckets that are synced together on Amazon Web Services and then automating the sync. Objective Once set up, we should h...
Cross-Region and Cross-Account Replication This is a guide on configuring Cross Region Replication and Cross Account Replication on your S3 bucket, to allow you to replicate the contents of your S3...
S3 CORS Guide This is a guide on configuring S3 bucket Cross Origin Resources Sharing (CORS) in Amazon Web Services, allowing one S3 bucket to access the contents of another S3 bucket. Objective O...
S3 Static Website Guide This is a guide on setting up S3 buckets on Amazon Web Services and making the bucket host static websites. Objective Once set up, we should have a good understanding of th...
EBS Memory Swap Guide Swap space in Linux can be used when a system requires more memory than it has been physically allocated (RAM). When swap space is enabled, Linux systems can swap infrequently...
EBS Mounting Guide After you attach an Amazon EBS volume to your instance, it is exposed as a block device. You can format the volume with any file system and then mount it. After you make the EBS ...
EBS Setup Guide This guide is on setting up additional Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS) volumes on your EC2 instance. EBS is a scalable block storage service that allows users to create and attac...
Apache Guide This is a guide on setting up Apache on an EC2 instance. Apache is one of the most widely used open-source web servers. It was developed and maintained by the Apache Software Foundatio...
EFS Setup Guide This is a guide on setting up Elastic File System (EFS) for your EC2 instances. EFS is a scalable, fully managed file storage service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It offer...